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The Textbook Project: Exploring Student Access to Course Materials at K


" "Image by Felix Mittermeier from Pixabay 

The library is committed to students in introductory courses having a zero cost option for their required course materials at the start of the quarter. This can help if there are shipping delays for books or if students have any issues attaining the required materials.

Pilot Parameters

Starting Fall 2019 the Library will place required texts for a select set of designated courses on Course Reserve. The Library will purchase physical or eBooks for these courses if they require books. The library will not purchase workbooks or books tied to a required online access code. Use will be measured for three years.

Courses meeting the following criteria were included:

  • Entry-level courses
  • Pre-requisite courses (required for multiple majors or gateways to upper-level classes)
  • Graduation requirement (i.e. language courses)

Identified Introductory Courses for Pilot Project

  • All First Year Seminar Courses (started Fall 2022)
  • ANSO 103
  • BIOL 112
  • CHEM 110
  • CHEM 210
  • ECON 101
  • MATH 110, 111, 112
  • PSYC 101
  • All entry level languages