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The Textbook Project: Exploring Student Access to Course Materials at K

Textbook Surveys


  • Experimenting with Proactive Course Reserve--Spring 2023
  • Offering a series of Faculty Open Education Workshops + stipend for completing a review of an Open Textbook--Fall 2022 & Winter & Spring 2023
  • Launching "Check the Library" campaign to raise awareness among students and faculty of course materials available through the library--Fall 2022
  • Library plans to have most First Year Seminar books through eBooks or Course Reserves--Fall 2022
  • Kelly working on Certificate in Open Education Librarianship--February-September 2022
  • Joined Open Education Network--January 2022
  • Contacted First Year Seminar faculty who had books & eBooks available through the library--August 2021
  • Purchased new materials, contacted instructors teaching introductory classes--August 2021
  • Restarted Course Reserves Pilot Project--Fall 2021
  • Presented at Support Staff Meeting--February 14, 2020
    • Presented "textbook problem," summary of survey, pilot project, and discussed next steps
  • Presented at Admin Staff Meeting--January 24, 2020
    • Presented "textbook problem," summary of survey, pilot project, and discussed next steps
  • Discussed textbooks--November 8, 2019
    • Member of Provost, Financial Aid, Business, and Student Development Offices in attendance
  • Presented at Fridays at Four--October 4, 2019
    • Shared survey results with 12 interested faculty & Assistant Provost
  • Presented at New Faculty Teaching & Learning Lunch--September 5, 2019
    • Shared Textbook Alternatives bookmark
  • Surveyed Students--September 2019
  • Launched Course Reserves Pilot Project--Fall 2019
  • Met with Intercultural Director to discuss their textbook library--August 2019
  • Met with Bookstore Director to discuss textbooks at K--August 2019

Presentation Materials

Statistics & Data: The Textbook Problem

Textbooks in Academic Libraries: Suggested Readings
