In the Circulating Collection -
- Handbook for Classical Research, DE71 .S27 2011 (Your guide to research in Classics!)
- Cambridge Ancient History, (14 vols), D57 .C252
In the Reference Collection -
- Oxford Classical Dictionary, Ref. DE5 .O9 2012
- Brill's New Pauly: Encyclopaedia of the Ancient world, (16 vols), Ref. DE5 .N4813
- Index volume has Lists and Tables
- Brill's New Pauly: Encyclopaedia of the Ancient world: Classical tradition, Ref. DE5 .N482
- Cambridge Dictionary of Classical civilization, Ref. DE5 .C28 2006
- Classical studies: a guide to the reference literature, Ref. PA91 .J4 2006
- Edinburgh Companion to ancient Greece and Rome, Ref. DE59 .E3 2006
- Chronologies of the Ancient World: names, dates and dynasties (Brill), Ref. D101.7 .H4713 2007
- Oxford Illustrated History of the Roman World, Ref. DG231 .O94 2001
- Oxford Illustrated History of Greece and the Hellenistic World, Ref. DF214 .O94 2001
- Genealogical Chart of Greek mythology, Ref. BL785 .N44 2003
- Dictionary of Classical Mythology, Ref. BL715 .G713 1985
On Reserve in the Library:
- The Oxford handbook of Roman Egypt, DT93 .O96 2012, at the Circulation Desk
Ancient Egypt Reference:
- Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt, Ref. DT58 .O94 2001(3 vols)
- Princeton Dictionary of Ancient Egypt, Ref. DT58 .S55 2008
- The Complete royal families of Ancient Egypt, Ref. DT83 .D65 2004
- The ancient gods speak : a guide to Egyptian religion, Ref. BL2428 .A53 2002
- Encyclopedia of Ancient Egyptian architecture, Ref. NA215 .A7513 2003
- The complete gods and goddesses of Ancient Egypt, Ref. BL2450.G6 W56 2003
Art Reference:
- Dictionary of Art, Ref. N31 .D5 1996
- Oxford Dictionary of Art, Ref. N33 .O93 2004
- Oxford Companion to Western Art, Ref. N33 .O923 2001
Atlases (in the Atlas Case, on the second level near the elevator)
- Historical Atlas of the Ancient world, (Brill) Ref. G1033 .H5 2010
- Barrington Atlas of the Greek and Roman world, Ref. G1033 .B3 2000
- Barrington Atlas of the Greek and Roman world: Map-by-map Directory, Ref. G1033 .B3 2000 Suppl. v.1 & v.2
- Historical Atlas of Ancient Rome, Ref. DG209 .C6645 2003
- Atlas of the Valley of the Kings, Ref. G2492.V36 E15 2003
Language Dictionaries: (use for literature abbreviations as well)
- A Greek-English lexicon, Ref. PA445.E5 L6 1996
- Oxford Latin dictionary, Ref. PA2365.E5 O9 2012 and 1982
Literature Reference:
- Dictionary of Greek and Latin Authors and Texts, Ref. PA31 .G4713 2009
- Latin Literature : a History, Ref. PA6008 .C6613 1994