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Guide to OER: Open Educational Resources

Why use Open Textbook materials?

"OER is an equity strategy for higher education: providing all students with access to course materials on the first day of class serves to level the academic playing field in course settings." [Colvard, 2018]

How to Search for Open Texts

Open access texts are free to read online, often free to download, and may be available as a low cost print format option.
Many open access texts have a Creative Commons license that allow an instructor to alter the text for their course. 

Strategies for finding open texts:

1. Try the ISBN search or Cool4Ed tool for finding text alternatives.

2. Look in the Open Textbook Library (this is a great repository that includes faculty reviews)

2. Check out the resources listed for your subject area below.

3. Ask a Librarian! We may be able to help you find open access texts beyond these collections.

Business & Economics





Fine Arts


Languages & Linguistics

Mathematics & Statistics



Anthropology and Sociology

Political Science & Law

Computer Science

Other Ways to Search for Open Access Books

Textbook Repositories--Mostly Librarian Tools

OER Listservs

Creative Commons Resources