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There are three ways to access the text of most EBSCO eBooks:
If you get a message that the eBook is being read by another student, you will need to try to login again later. When that student leaves the eBook or is timed out of the book for inactivity, a different student will be able to access the book but there is a time lag before another student can access the eBook . If you do get a busy signal, wait for 30 minutes before trying again to access the eBook. If you keep trying to log in every few seconds, you can cause the eBook to get "hung up." It's wise to read ahead as the book is more likely to be busy right before a test or assignment due date. Please be considerate when downloading these titles for off-line use, you will lock out your fellow classmates.
Up to 3 students at a time can read these titles. If you are the 4th student trying to access the book, you will need to try to login again later. When a student leaves the eBook or is timed out of the book for inactivity, a different student will be able to access the book but there is a time lag before another student can access the eBook. If you do get a busy signal, wait for 30 minutes before trying again to access the eBook. If you keep trying to log in every few seconds, you can cause the eBook to get "hung up." It's wise to read ahead as the book is more likely to be busy right before a test or assignment due date. Please be considerate when downloading these titles for off-line use, you will lock out your fellow classmates.
Any number of K students can access an unlimited user eBook and the book should never be busy.
EBSCO eBooks sometimes produce an error page when you try to login. If you refresh the browser page and try again, it usually works on the second try.
EBSCO 1-user and 3-user eBooks can have access issues. If you do get a busy signal, wait for 30 minutes before trying again to access the eBook. If you keep trying to log in every few seconds, you can cause the eBook to get "hung up." It's wise to read ahead as the book is more likely to be busy right before a test or assignment due date.