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Spanish 491: Spanish Senior Seminar: Conceptos de raza en el Siglo de Oro Español

Image by Anne & Saturnino Miranda from Pixabay 

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MeLCat is a statewide network of Michigan academic, public, and school libraries sharing resources with each other. You can request books to be sent to K's Library or another in-state public library.


Connects you to the collections and services of more than 10,000 libraries worldwide. Search in WorldCat, if it's not available through K you can link to pre-filled Interlibrary Loan request.

If you've found a citation for a book or article that we don't have through K's Library you can request it from another library for FREE!

  • Books will be available for pick-up at K's Library.
  • Articles will be accessible through a link.

Expect 3-14 days for a request. Plan ahead!