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RELG 231: Religion, Bollywood, and Beyond

Compare these articles!

Are they quality? Are they scholarly? What do you look for? 

Is my source reliable? Reputable? Scholarly?

If you are ever unsure about the quality of a source check with your instructor or ask a librarian!

Questions from the CRAAP test and the principals of Lateral Reading can help!

Is a source Scholarly?

How can you tell if a source is scholarly?

  • Is the author an academic?

    • Does the author have a Ph.D.? Are they employed at a university or college? If the source doesn't say, use Google to look up the author.
  • Does this source present the results of research by the authors?

  • Are there a lot of footnotes, endnotes, or references?

  • Is it published by an academic or university press? (for books)

    • The publisher may contain the name of a university [ex: Oxford University Press];
      if the publisher is not a university press, use Google to find the press and read about their editorial board/policies.

  • Is it published in a scholarly journal? (for articles)

    • Many scholarly journals contain the word "journal" in the title; if the title does not include the word "journal," use Google to check out the journal's website & editorial board.

    • If the publisher is a university press, that's a good clue that the publication is peer reviewed and scholarly.

If the answers are yes, the source is probably scholarly -- which means it has gone through a rigorous peer review process.

If you are unsure, ask your professor or a librarian!

Anatomy of a Scholarly Article

parts of a scholarly article labeled: Journal Name, Volume/Issue Number, Date, Article title, Author, Author Information, and Article Abstract or Summary