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HIST 219: Civil War Era

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Mass Media

Older Popular Magazines (in print)

Most of these titles can be found in bound volumes on the 2nd floor. Older editions may be located in storage. Look up titles in OneSearch and login to request particular volumes.

The Atlantic, 1932 -
Atlantic Monthly, 1857-1932
Century (title changes - Century Magazine, Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine) 1882-1930
Christian Century, 1923 -
Current History 1919-
Harper’s Magazine, 1913 -
Harper’s Monthly Magazine, 1900-1913
Harper’s New Monthly Magazine, 1850-1900
Life, 1936 -
The Nation, 1905 -
The National Geographic magazine, 1889- present
The New Republic, 1916-present

Newsweek, 1947-
The New Yorker, 1936 -
Saturday Review, 1929 -
Scribner’s, 1887-1939
Time, 1930 -
US News & World Report, 1948-present