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JAPN 242: Contested History

Titles available at K

The Atlantic ♦ Business Week ♦ Christian Century ♦ Harper's Magazine ♦

The Nation ♦ The New Republic ♦ Saturday Review of Literature ♦ Time

If the title you need is in storage, print the citation and bring it to the Circulation Desk. Put your name & email on the page. It will be available the next day.

Dates of Atomic Bombs

Hiroshima - August 6th, 1945

Nagasaki - August 9th, 1945

Older Popular Magazines in print in the K Library

Atlantic Monthly, also called The Atlantic, 1857-1932, 1932- present
Business Week, 1939-2009
Century (title changes - Century Magazine, Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine) 1882-1930
Christian Century, 1923 -
Current History 1919-
Harper’s New Monthly Magazine, 1850-1900
Harper’s Monthly Magazine, 1900-1913
Harper’s Magazine, 1913 -
Life, 1936 -
The Nation, 1905 -
The National Geographic magazine, 1889- present
Newsweek, 1947-
The New Yorker, 1936 -
Saturday Review of Literature, 1929-1951
Saturday Review, 1952-
Scribner’s, 1887-1939
Time, 1930 -
US News & World Report, 1948-

Check for specific location and holdings in Library OneSearch

What is a Primary Source?

"Primary sources are the raw materials of history — original documents and objects which were created at the time under study. They are different from secondary sources, accounts or interpretations of events created by someone without firsthand experience." ~Library of Congress